Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Cure for Cancer found, Pharma companies ignore. No money in it for them.

The cure was discovered by scientists at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Canada. The cure uses a dichloroacetate, a simple drug used to treat metabolic disorders. Because it's so simple, it had no side effects and also requires no patent. Therefore, it is relatively cheap (at least in comparison to current cancer treatments) and will actually cure cancer rather than warding it off.
Also because of the fact that it can't be patented, it's hard to make a large profit off of it. Due to this, pharmaceutical companies won't touch it, because it doesn't help their pockets.This is why this discovery isn't being celebrated and making front-page headlines.
The hope is that independent companies can perfect this cure and manufacture it for the patients that desperately need it. It will be difficult going against a a major lobbyist business interest such as the pharmaceutical industry who have their hands deep in politicians' pockets, but the more the public becomes aware of this great discovery, the less can be done against it.

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